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The Lucky Number and the Unlucky Flat Number in Feng Shui

Flat numbers and house lanes numbers play an important role in the success of your career, family relationships and finance, especially your finance. Numbers affect our fortune and successful life energy and with feng shuii simple cures you can convert the most unlucky flat number to luck, sharing very powerful wealth sacred code numbers at end of this post ,read ahead for magical tips. Since your house should be clearly visible to get good opportunities and business openings it is also very important to be noticeable from outside for inviting good luck and good energy.  It is often seen that people with very tall trees covering their houses are living a life of unknown identity and also do not have many friends either in neighborhood or at work. They live a secluded life and even though they miss out on friends their situation does not change. Here feng shui can help to bring about a drastic and positive change in your situation.
7 common mistakes in choosing Feng shuii wealth cure paintings  
First of all consider your main door that is chi or mouth of your home. Keep it clean and clutter free. Attractive items and healthy plants can be displayed as welcoming gesture. Avoid very tall plants that w ill cover your main door or flat number. Have a good designer feng shui name plate showing very clearly your house address, flat number and your name.
Buying a resale house feng shuii read Tips that work in this post.
Now we know that there are certain lucky numbers as well as certain unlucky numbers in feng shui. What if you have an unlucky flat number say one, thirteen , four or some number which is not good feng shui number for your personally. Though you can change various aspects in feng shui it may not be possible to change your flat number unless of course, you choose a major decision of shifting your house. 
Magic tip 1)  In such cases you can use simple feng shui cure by underlining your flat number with golden colour. 
Magic tip 2) You can also cure this problem by making a round circle to your flat number. This will improve the feng shui of your number and also remove the negative energy of this number.
Magic tip 3) Having a metal door knocker will improve strength of your main door and the knock of your door will bring luck into your house. 
This feng shui for numbers can also be applied to office numbers or shop numbers and also for the working category their table numbers. For your name plate in office use clear alphabets with clear spellings of your name and designation and this must be seen from far away also. If there are numbers involved do underline them for best results or make a circle around unlucky numbers to deflate their negative energy and make them powerful for you.
Magic tip 4) Another important feng shui tip to enhance main door feng shui of unlucky flat number is to have a bright light over your door and shine your name and flat number. This positive light energy will remove the negativity of your house number and also improve visibility of your flat.
Magic tip 5) Numbers also add up to some strange numbers and this total also affects your house feng shuii. Example 202 adds to four and in Chinese feng shuii number four is death. Hence we avoid number four anywhere. 
Case histories with bad feng shuii flat numbers- 
There was also a case of 204 where people used to face financial challenges and even sicknesses, that would be major and sudden and also lost family member , hence the feng shuii need arose here for advice. Simply adding few simple changes and making a strong energy circle to the d[flat number transformed this into positive energy and then the financial and health issues also got sorted out. 
I had this another case that family's got so financially challenged suddenly and with high hospital bills regularly. Incoming was more but outgoing was also increasing. Flat number of course was bad one that got the red underline this time to prevent energy leak. There was serious issue with the health sector missing in the flat. Window was cut of with missing corner of east which would have effects on health and finances for ever. Needed an evil eye cure painting and wealth health luck artwork which balanced the energy and welcomed fresh chi into their home. 
Feng shui Golden Basket Painting Rizwana A.Mundewadi

There was one flat that had number 1300 and sometimes this also happens if there are too many zeros in the flat number the vacuum energy also affects luck. Total again came up to four, unlucky number. And it slowly affects health wealth relationships as four in Chinese is death. 
Using feng shui for your main door will enhance relationships and bring welcoming positive energy which in turn will bring good business and great wealth towards your home.
Powerful Wealth Sacred Code
Powerful sacred Code for windfalls of money

Sacred codes are lucky numbers with numerology knowledge and they symbolize hidden symbolism. The above three numbers are very powerful and have meanings. Windfalls of money, anything is possible, miracles happen. There are various other codes too for intentions, even for health. we can attract wishes using numbers- I have painted many artworks using number energies that are for migraines, skin diseases, digestive system, detox etc. There are codes for turning time to money, magic money, money flows easily , open up wealth flow, open up knowledge, convert negative energy to productive force, make fruitful decisions, family bonding, attract soul mates, clear sweep off negativity, so much more. 
Numbers are magical and can bring transformation of life energy and attract immense blessings. use them for benefits! 
 All the Best from Rizwana!  
Thank you for coming by Feng Shui-SimpleCures!
I do not sell feng shui items I am a Professional Reiki healing artist since year 2000 selling original feng shui paintings from my website Razarts.
All Paintings and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2000 Rizwana A.Mundewadi DO NOT COPY FOR FEAR OF KARMA! 
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