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How to Protect your front entrance with feng shui? How to soften Poison arrows with 7 feng shui simple cures for entrance

 Your front entrance Feng Shui is the main energy source your home gets nourishment from. If you knew how powerful this energy here is in affecting your complete life, you would pounce on it and make the damn changes now! The mouth of your home, take care of this!

evil eye cure art todays blessings

Most of the negativity comes from the main door and can enter in any form, from people, sounds, breeze, dirt, smell or even a simple image or constantly open neighbours front door. Some people feel restless with banging while neighbors closing doors, thus creating shar poison arrows, which affects health and total happiness at home. Energy leaks are the most important cause of draining energy in all sectors especially wealth. 

Then there may be a pillar, tree, electricity box,  steps, or wall bang right opposite the main door thus blocking energy from entering your home. It can also be the view from outside that produces poison arrows. Each time you view it, it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Poison arrows are simply put things, object, or sounds that make us feel restless, uncomfortable, and thus affect our peace of mind, and in general our health , sleep, and happiness of our family. This may also be related to some one coming from outside that frequently bring in negative energy stress, quarrels or bickering. 

Space clearing for any space Live Reiki healing arts meditation video and this You Tube Channel the Red Pilgrim one video Quieten the evil eye negative home spirits

While feng shui is all about harmony and balance, use positive energy to counteract negativity. It is true, positive energy is always stronger and will overcome whatever you are facing. Allow the Universe to assist you with open heart and positive intentions. 

7 simple yet very effective feng shui cures for the main door feng shui shared for your benefit.

1) Some people use feng shui mirrors reflect energy back to the source, a very powerful feng shui cure for protection, but prefer to not encourage this as the positive energy also may be stopped from entering and in many case it has been seen that the extreme energy reflected back to the source, their own evil eye energy,  affects them as in ill health, hospitalization and even moving out of the neighbors from the locality.  

2) now for some happy energy cures, use white, color white in any form, it is the purest form of energy that can repel any negativity! color the outside panels door vibrant clean white, main door white, just see how powerful this is, very good protection for main door.

3) use strong lights, very powerful feng shui cure to repel negativity. Above your main door.

This neutralizes the negative energy right outside and makes the person entering feel relaxed and happy. 

4) use wind chimes they are the best to make the energy fresh and moving at your front door. Sound is a great feng shui cure. 

5) Use happy symbols, some happy colorful art, smileys, happy home images, colorful wall hangings, ribbons that move with the wind,  that will bring a smile from every viewer,thus neutralizing the negative energy before it enters your home. Rainbow art, healing art, religious symbols have strong protective energies. Symbols of healing when viewed , colors relax the mind, art soothes, and is a great stress buster.  

6) use green plants, they are the most powerful feng shui tools to attract positive energy , just take care that they are green! dead plants very bad feng shui energy and may affect adversely to your home and family. 

7) Water, another powerful symbol in feng shui and a strong feng shui cure to attract wealth, good luck, prosperity, and also acts as a protector from negative energy entering your home. A water fountain, bird bath or just a wide mouthed bowl with water can take away most negative energy and dissociate this outside the main door, thus bringing  only positive energy inside your home.

Feng shui is a great energy to attract good luck, health, wealth and fame , happiness, relationships and mentor luck, knowing just the right place for the right things can work wonders to your life!

Answers to your wealth issues, and workable life changing solutions. Read this, this will change your perspective towards wealth and your money flow. 

Are You Stopping Your Wealth  ? this is the first question I ask, yes, do give this a thought! after so many people inquiring about wealth cures, right placement and selection of feng shui cures is very important , and people still  wonder why things are not working for them!

You buy objects and place them with mind full of doubts, here is your first loss!

then you keep sharing this topic with each and every one you meet, your second loss!

and finally you doubt that you deserve wealth, final loss! No cure will work for you!

Feng Shui is a science of placement of furniture and objects in harmony with nature. following the principles of elements Feng Shui Masters try to harmonize these elements by either down playing them or activating them to benefit the people staying there. Once the elements are in harmony life becomes smooth and easy. There is also an important role of your intentions and attitude of your family that matters. As every emotion , a positive or negative has influence on the results with your feng shui cures.

People, while you do want wealth,are you prepared for wealth, do you really want wealth,as many people when I advice about the cures hardly read my answers and still go on repeating the same old stories, of wealth draining ,losses in businesses and past failures!

If you are willing to try Feng shui with an open mind it can create miracles!

Your "BUT" is the reason for the financial losses and hurdles even after feng shuing your place with simple cures. You yourself are the first reason to stop the incoming of wealth in your life. You are not convinced that you deserve wealth, so try to change your beliefs and thoughts first, the rest luck will follow.  If you say, we tried this and that and that and still the problem persists,and that you cant do this, or you are not qualified, then you need to change the situation gradually in the way you can, the Universe assists those who try.  

Anger irritability? chaos in your life? where is the energy draining from?   think, search, find out and act now! 

well you need to sit and meditate for few minutes every day to get hang of your life and your finances and after that take decision to act!  dreams and wealth does not come for those who sleep over their dreams. The Universe blesses those who dream and are willing to work hard  towards fulfilling their dreams, Feng Shui Healing energies help assist and flare up this energy for your benefit and once activated you will love this! as say the many happy people who have applied Feng Shui in their life!

Colors in feng shui, elements in feng shui, symbols in feng shui, shapes geometry in feng shui corresponding each element, understanding shui energy in paintings, images, feng shui cures are jotted down to even the direction you go to work and the road you take to your office can affect your career growth!

feng shui is a vast word and not just the best place to keep your sofa or your bed! 

And if you love feng shui and want to benefit from the energy order one of my works and enjoy the healing!

however bizzare your wishes , list it down, share it here, a wish fulfillment painting can work wonders to your life and the happiness of your family!

Some Important Feng Shui Wealth Enhancing Suggestions, and they work-

1) Open you heart and  accept the past situations, There are always lessons from the Universe. Elders always say, money  follows the hard workers. Did you give it your all?that is now frankly for you to answer, right now!

2) Stop repeating past failures the moment you decide to try feng shui for wealth. The serious bad habit is whenever we begin to guide or help someone with advice, they start off staying they tried this and tried that and they failed. Well, Shut up and do the work now! Your past actions didn't change your money luck, isn't it? so allow and trust one more time please!

Read about what do you mean by self limiting beliefs, this will surely be an eye opener to yourself. 

3) Clutter free all spaces. No space for any progress, that is what accumulation of clutter does to your home and your life. I know, that is costly vase, I know those chairs are handed over by your grandmother, but then you have no space and are in dire need of wealth flow, hence you are here, with me. Either clean and organize things or give them in charity, that which you have not used since past few years. I prefer to follow the Marie Kondo method, keep things that bring a spark of joy. So much becomes peaceful already. Try it, it works! All sectors need to be clutter cleared- home, office, relationships, work, karmic debts  Karmic healing at deeper levels needs to be understood and practically acted upon for seeing change in life. 

You are an obsessive hoarder/ compulsive shopoholic  and find it difficult to decluttered allow Reiki healing arts meditation video to assist you to act.

4) Activate wealth and prosperity corners first and then also try to add up Feng shui cures for all sectors, as wealth is linked with every other sector of your life. Feng Shuii Cure Paintings are available at my website Razarts.

5) Stop sharing and discussing Feng Shui cures with everyone. The Eye Collection   for protection for all types of evil eye and negative energies coming your way. Allow Reiki Universal life force to be by your side. 

6) Love your Feng Shui cures, they will love you manifolds back!choose them carefully, only those you are comfortable with and connect with. 

7) The Universe has everything in Abundance but it blesses only the ones who work towards this. 

8) Begin a fresh, and remove symbols of past failures as you will get stuck with the same thoughts of wealth loss. It will help to remove those old files, and make space for fresh business. Facing a life question? find answers with this short YouTube video Reiki healing arts meditation.

9) All sectors need to be in harmony, so just a wind chime or a single horse painting may not give you instant results! Try to hit the hammer at once for all sectors! here the advice from your Feng Shui consultant will help, do check out a choose a reputed Feng Shui  consultant and Healer. 

There is also a factor of past lives karmic blocks that need to be tackled for the wealth flow to open up in your life. 

Always remember there is no replacement for hard sincere effort, for everything else there is Feng Shui!  Hope this helps, and Really Wishing for Your Best, Hope this helps!

Awesum Day from Rizwana/Your's the Red Pilgrim!

Do share your experiences, problems, wishes, and let me show you some feng shui, simple cures! 


South Feng Shuii! Bad reputation, lost offers, and breaking up of relationships, do check the south! 8 Practical Tips for Activating South Feng shui

 South one of the most important feng shui sectors in your home. All sectors are connected and this one sector can immensely change your life if activated correctly. The fame area according to the map , Ba Gua map, of Feng Shui is located in the south. This can be calculated using the indicator compass for directions. Today we even have compass of directions in mobile phone apps so you can check the sectors carefully and very easily. All the directions are divided into eight parts, the Ba Gua map. East, West, North, South, North east, North west, South east and South west. The house can be thought of as a square area and these directions located for your reference and understanding.

reiki phoenix feng shui painting

Modern decor elements and trends are confusing and one needs to take extra care with putting things in south sector.  Decorating the house according to our likes of artifacts and furniture is good but just consider the elements and place objects appropriately, especially for the south that is strongly dominated by the fire element.  

The new home or the new renovation brings about negative influence on our career and name and one wonders what went wrong with the most elegant costly interior decor! Ill name, lost offers, and breaking up of relationships, do check the south! Analyzed by Feng Shui usually the problem points to the fame and career area. Somehow wealth, reputation, opportunities and relationships all are inert linked.

The most important energy also is that of will to survive. If you see people not motivated to go to work, or having lost interest in work check the south sector.

The south area is the fame area which when positively charged leads to prosperity and good name in the work or business of the family members. Whereas if there is a bathroom or major drainage or leakages in this area it leads to person getting bad reputation and major losses in business.

If there is such a problem and the bathroom falls in south sector,  it is best to relocate the bathroom as this is the major hole where all the money goes down the drain. It will always be working to a task uphill and always facing financial crunches and money mess.

Fire energy is required for survival and work motivation. To carry day to day tasks it is the fire within that will take you ahead and this feng shui sector is one of the most important ones that often is termed to attract fame and more so neglected.

Here are 8 practical measures for Feng shui south-

1) If the home or office toilet falls in south sector. In Feng shui Masters always advised to keep the toilet lid closed and drains covered. If this is not possible consider growing a big plant that moves upward, this is strong and balances the wood aspect for the south area.

2)  Keep the door of the toilet always closed after use. The negative shar energy needs to be avoided spreading in the home area.

3) Hang big mirrors and place a very good scenery of mountains and green plants that help to focus on the positive image outside of the washroom to reflect back the negative energy coming out from the bathroom and toilets.

4)  Leakages must be immediately repaired and drainage pipes can be concealed by a painting or some artifact or sculpture temporarily that leads the eye away from the negative image.

5) If there is water kept in this area please move it to some other direction, better in the north to improve the career and opportunities area. Avoid any water features here as it is difficult to take care and maintain them and after few months people neglect these and this affects the energy here.

6) Use RED! Fantastic colour for south! Red coloured objects or paintings of flowers and green plants can enhance the positivity of this area. Wood supports fire and helps it to flourish.

7) Another great feng shui tip!  hanging your certificates and honours on the south wall for more improvement and progress in career and also recognition in your field. Your successful ventures and projects symbols and awards can be displayed here.

8) Keep the energy active! The most vibrant pulsating sector south!  Try lighting a small candle or diya to remove the negative influences of poison arrows in this area. Please consider the safety of the family and environment before following any fire cures. You can also have red coloured wall art, paintings, artificial flowers, artifacts, objects that will bring the same effect. Avoid red coloured lights here, lights and in red, as in feng shui indicate danger.

If you have chanced upon my page from Google search, Please do share this post ,You may not need it but this Reiki energy healing art  can help some one on verge of giving up!

Hope this helps!

God Bless from Rizwana!

Dedicated since year 2010 towards spreading best feng shui guidance with my Google blog Feng shui-Simple Cures to bring health wealth and joy to the world. 


Are You Hooked! Some Personal Energy protection and Personal Chi Saving Tips

 Are you Hooked, no no we are not discussing hookers! so stop your mind from travelling in all bizarre directions! the meaning in healing is we are attached to some people who are though close  family, friend, relatives, may be unaware that they are draining our energy. Each of our chakra sends out energy cords, hooks, threads, that are attached to the other people. This is the reason why we are attracted to some one or repel talking to some other one. The first cord begins from birth between the mother and child. 

Then as the child is born she/he may connect with other family , father, siblings, friends, relatives etc. 

These energy cords help us to be connected, help us to love and understand and protect our near and dear ones. It is true when people say the baby gets hurt the mother feels the pain or know it even if she is not present. This is true for any close relationships and this may not always be related but the attachment energy cords connect, thus sometimes we feel a strong energy even in crowd when some one far away is staring at us. Or maybe some one with a strong healthy glowing aura enters we feel the whole environment charged with positivity, this happens with highly spiritual people. 

Problems begin when the other starts taking undue advantage of personal chi of the other. relationships begin to suffer, one  of them starts feeling energy drain and the other does not realize this truth and keeps benefiting from other persons chi. Most of the time from People close, mates, parents, friends, siblings, work office colleagues, boss,  start taxing the other person, and many times making them feel guilty, responsible for the situations and thus taking undue advantage of their chi, energy. Pity, guilt, sacrificing, verbal and physical abuse, etc are negative emotions that need to be changed to positive healthy and caring relationships. The care must come from heart and not from compulsion, the hooks or cords when healthy help to have a mutually beneficial relationship and spreads love and forms strong bonding.

Some of the energy hooks may also be of past life carried into this life thus resulting in loss of trust, not having healthy relationships and many people suffer from commitment and thus have bad marriages, lose or hop jobs frequently,  and lead a unstable life. 

How will you recognize this, I am mentioning a few examples, but this may not totally be relevant and remember each case is different and there is a much wider energy perspective to healing. 

1) always feel energy drain, tired even after having healthy diet.

2)Restless sleep, feeling compulsion to help/ care for the other person always.

3)Giving hundred percent time, efforts, energy to one person at cost of self care and health.

4) One sided relationships, where the other person does not reciprocate the same emotions, respect love and care.

5) In case of any sickness or being unable to perform tasks and care the other person gets irritated and angry, sometimes violent, this indicates the unhealthy energy in relationship where you are hooked and your personal chi is draining. 

6) In or continuing the relationships without receiving the same energy, love, care, understanding from the other. 

In case of external energy drainers you can back off and leave the space. The first step is always discussion and sharing, usually the other person does not realize this effect on you and are unawares of this energy sucking tendency they have.  Then if this does not work, try to find ways mutually that help to heal the relationships. Even in cases of employers and work one can change jobs to a more healthy environment and supportive colleagues.

In family and personal relationships they have to be healed to continue leading a happy life ahead. In some cases it may be your energy lack also , maybe a weak root chakra or a weak solar plexus leading to feeling of strong dependency and attachment to the other, thus going out of the way in caring for the other. 

How will you be protected yourself? 7 guidance tips.

1) Physical grounding, Exercising and eating healthy diet helps one to feel grounded.

2) meditation for some time, helps, especially in the north east sector, the feng shui area for personal development and chi energy. 

3) learning to develop healthy relationships by conversing and sharing your personal needs. 

4) Energy healing from a healer requires to untangle the stuck up energy  cords, that are distorted and wrongly attached and to make way for a healthy energy flow between the two.

5) Reiki symbols when charged with positive intention of the healer helps one to develop acceptance, confidence and sharing, unblocking the energy stuck  up in one or many chakras and thus allowing the individual to develop healthy relationships and live a stable well adjusted life. 

6) positive affirmations and surrounding yourself with healing colors and symbols helps to adjust your personal chi to your surroundings.

7) proper placement of furniture and objects, feng shui, the element theory and following sacred shapes, geometry and the balancing the energy of the environment may help to heal your personal chi and keep positive energy active.

Reiki Energy healing is a pure energy, a Reiki Master is just a pure hollow channel who transmits the energy to others,  Reiki energy will never go wrong or in more or less percentages and always heal and reach where it is required. The universe has everything in abundance, you just have to tap this.

God Bless and All the Best from Rizwana!

you can share your thoughts on energy cords, , experiences and energy draining relationships, I will try to help out as much as I can by email, and in case you need a healing artwork do let me know. Thank you!

Happy Feng Shuing from Rizwana! Dedicated since year 2010 towards spreading awareness of feng shuii through my Google blog with simple practical feng shui cure tips and my Reiki Feng shui healing paintings. Buy Reiki Symbol Feng shui paintings from my website Razarts.


Evil Eye Protection Symbols in Different Cultures/ Best Energy Modern Evil eye Art/ 8 simple Cures

 Evil eye one of the most affecting negative energy form which disturbs peace harmony and feng shui of your home and life. The resultant energy attracts illnesses, losses in wealth, bad luck and many more which at one time  or other each one has experienced.

In different cultures and countries the evil eye is mentioned using different terms. Ayn al-Hasud in Arabic, in Persian Chasma zakhm, in Hindi Buri nazar, Urdu hasad, in Pashto  Cheshim mora, and many more names to describe evil eye.

What do you mean by evil eye or buri nazar? It so happens to describe simply an evil eye is staring or glaring in anger or jealousy to a person object or environment thus bringing about a force that affects the other in negative form. 

Shar energy or poison arrows produced by some one or some thing can affect your life chi adversely. While we all know the effects faced by evil eye there have been many evil eye cures that each one uses for protection.

Different religions have different beliefs regarding evil eye and different protection symbols from the evil eye.

In Hinduism the powerful symbol for protection is the beautiful Aum and Swastik. Not only is this believed to provide protection but also is a symbol for new energy entering the space and attracting good luck. 

Then there are many who believe in the auspicious God Ganesha and he is  one of the favourites among Hindu Gods as he symbolizes new beginnings, protection form evil,  and prosperity. 

Coming to Tibetan Buddhism there are the symbols, Ashtamangala, eight symbols that are very powerful ones to use a symbols for protection and good luck. We also see the evil eye cure, the one in blue color with a black dot in between , similar to the eye, acting as a protection symbol. 

In Muslims the hand of Hamsa or Fatima daughter of Prophet (PUH) The hand of five fingers, open hand, with an eye, symbolizes strong protection from evil eye. Usually there is a belief to break the spell by saying MashaAllah, meaning God has willed this.

This healing painting is available for

Blue and turquoise gemstones are believed to act as strong protectors form evil eye energy. Talismans in Sufism were made by hand written texts to acts as protection symbols. 

In Christianity the belief of making a cross sign with fingers acts as protection from negative energy. Many pendants and finger rings of cross are thus worn to acts as protection symbols. 

watch this video for better understanding of this energy-What happens with buri nazar or evil eye? nazar effects? simple explanation.

The power of the Eye ! Feng shuii Modern healing paintings for protection, video on You Tube.

Symbols of horn act as evil eye cures in some cultures.

And then in some cultures there are chantings and scriptures to be read a number of times to act as protection from evil eye.

So also music acts as a powerful cure for evil eye as in religious or instrumental sounds.

In modern world the energy does exist but is over shadowed by decor and modern furniture. Often people shy away from displaying symbols for protection as it does not go along with the modern decor.

Doing my bit by making short Reiki healing arts meditation videos for free spreading of  the energy for those who search for.  

7 simple feng shui healing cures for protection from evil eye-

1) Use white color. It acts as a powerful tool for protection. Paint your walls white, door white, windows white! wherever is the negative energy source , try white! Absolutely Yang colour, you will see and feel the difference immediately! Even If your door faces graveyard this will protect you! of course if such is issue do email me at I will guide you with simple protection cures. 

2) Use colorful flags or hangings that are  made of silk or shiny paper. Tibetan mantra Prayer flags no doubt work wonders. As they move with the wind there is shift in energy and as this prevents energy stagnation and accumulation the blocks are removed and allowing fresh positive energy to come in. 

Om Mani Padme Hum Tibetan Mantra Paintings are also a beautiful way to protect any space. Buy healing art.

3) Glass. Usually people  hang torans made of glass beds and decorative flowers. Mirrors, powerful protection symbol reflecting negative energy back to its source. Masters did have very powerful cures with using Ba Gua mirrors, concave and convex that can completely destroy people and even make them leave the place. But I never advise such a cure, healing art and feng shui simple cures are enough. Read on my Google Blog. I have experienced this as the shar coming was from front wall and lift, but the energy was so powerful that the mirror cracked! 

Space clearing video, play this! resale house, flat, office energy clearing intentions.

4) Plants and greenery , a powerful tool, nature protection, but sad sometimes plants die off suddenly by evil eye, personal experience.

This is very true and plants can also be used as protection symbols. Especially thorny plants will give you miraculous results in protecting energy. Cactus, succulents, Euphorbia milli Goodluck plant of Thailand , by best! Only on specific issues these spiky thorny plants can be placed indoors for protection. 

Read window sill garden challenge evil eye Rizwana's Blog Garden Care Simplified!

5) Symbols of Happiness and good luck outside your main door act as protectors from evil eye entering your home.

6) Fire has been used as a very powerful tool for purification. Havans and yagnas are often done to remove ill effects of evil eye. Usually also done in new homes and offices to purify the space. Even burning simple incense or candles act as purifiers and protectors from evil eye. 

7) Art that can absorb the negative energy , beautiful art work near entrance can act as a very powerful tool to absorb evil eye energy from person  entering your home. Bind runes also are very powerful. To protect Bind runes symbol protection minimalist healing art. Watch this video writing bind runes for health wealth personal power. 

8) My best bet here on salt! video-correct way to use salt. Read this post on The Red Pilgrim Blog- Benefits of wiping with saline salt water.

Salt is a very cheap and effective cure for protection from evil eye. Old granny's and mom used to do the salt ritual after coming from any function or a visit from guests, to avoid buri nazar effecting small children. Fascinated with this ritual read so much about salt and yes, I Reiki , Feng shuii and healing we do have the salt cure. Keeping salt in ceramic bowl hidden in any space will protect. (be sure to hide it and replace salt frequently). Adding salt to bathing water will remove accumulated negative energy in body and mind, you will feel fresh and also active. Salt kept hidden in two bowls outside main door will protect from any negativity entering your home(keep it hidden). 

After reading this post you will have these thoughts, How does this work for protection? scientific explanation about evil eye cure paintings by The Red Pilgrim-

 Negative energy is the energy of the person entering, their thoughts,experiences and situations they had affect their personal energy as they come with loaded negative energy. Visually looking at a symbol, protection symbol, healing art for protection,  object diverts the mind and eye on the focused object first and thus breaks the negative energy pattern into a much lesser strength and sometimes totally dissolves negative energy into a positive one. 

Effects and results depend upon the severity of the negative energy coming in. If it is a combination of negativity from people, environment, and inside inmates too, then you need a combination of feng shui cures to be applied immediately to  identify, neutralize, remove, and avoid further damage with this energy. 

What more can I say , signing off for now- modern cures paintings help to blend with the decor and art since ages has always been a powerful tool to enliven the environment and improve its aesthetics.

All the Best from Rizwana! Your's The Red Pilgrim!  healing artist from India, dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth love and prosperity to the world with my Reiki symbol healing paintings. 

Do share your experiences with buri nazar and evil eye effects!

 The painting photo in this post has found a loving home with a Dubai art buyer! Get customized protection symbols painting made by the Red Pilgrim! 


DIY Feng shui evil eye cure Hand Made Recycling ideas for Modern Decor

How to paint evil eye cure
Best feng shui post today!
DIY your own feng shuii evil eye cure from waste throw away materials and of course attract the Best shuii energy for your home. 
home made feng shui evil eye cure

Feng shui evil eye cures are seen in every home and while most of the cures I see available in market are incomplete and wrong feng shuii and hence you don't see results, here sharing how to make your own DIY feng shuii evil eye cure and also have the inspiration and motivational energy for your home and family. 

The evil eye cures available in market are ready and machine made and I also have many bought from feng shuii shops but most time they would be abnormal shape, incomplete finishing, or scratched, chipped and then that brought negative shar energy towards me. The feng shuii evil eye cure needs to be an energy symbolic image or artwork and must bring you joy and happiness when you look at it, and sadly the machine made products didn't bring that in me. They were almost in every home and common so I wanted to bring the change of positivity and then the idea sparked! home made, hand made evil eye cures!

best feng shui evil eye cure

evil eye cure recycled
DIY Feng shuii evil eye cure fromw atse materials at home-

1) choose a plastic or melamine plate. Must not be cracked, chipped or broken from edges. It can be faded of design on top but not the shape. You can choose square plates or any shape plates.

I am sure you have many old plates and that just like me you also may be throwing it when they are old or faded. We have replaced our melamine plates with glass keeping in mind food and kitchen feng shuii. there are also wooden utensils available and even earthy cook wares. Mentioning I also painted our earthen water matka for refreshing feng shuii! You have to clean the plate of any dust and I didn't sand it with paper but you can if the plate is too smooth. 

inspirational evil eye cure diy
2) Acrylic or fabric colours are fine but they are plastic paints so I chose to make chalk paint which looks good and dries very fast. Home made chalk paint is very easy and has earthy energy. 
creative feng shui evil eye cure diy
3) paint the base of grey home made chalk paint. Let it dry, it takes few minutes under the fan. 
DIY Evil eye cure from waste materials
4) You can draw circles on the plate with geometric instruments or other plates but I wanted the free form natural shape so I prefer the raw form. 

5) Choose french ultramarine blue, black, white, light blue or turquoise colours in paints and start painting!

6) Be careful of the white so I chose to paint the white circle first. Then the black part. and then the other colours. 

7) Very easiness the chalk paint will flow smoothly with swift brush strokes over the plate. You may need to overlap and apply a few coats to bring the depth and shine of the feng shuii evil eye cure. 

8) People varnish it or apply resin for final coat but I am going to hang this evil eye cure on higher level so it will not be touched or scratched by anyone. Advantage of chalk paint is it dries fast, and does not come off easily like the plastic paint/acrylic paint. 

9) You can write any inspirational quote that connects to your heart. that is the best part of making your own feng shuii eveil eye cure, or in fact any feng shuii cure. You can customize it and make it special hand made and unique original home made!I have also recycled old feng shuii ship and other cures, will share in other posts on my blog Feng Shui-Simple Cures!

Where will you hang Feng shuii Evil Eye Cure art and Paintings?

It is very important that you hang feng shuii evil eye cure where it is seen by anyone entering the home and their first glance must fall upon this feng shuii evil eye cure. This can also be displayed as table art, side table art, office wall art and office table art. If its a small plate you can also carry it in your wallet (you will need to apply coat of clear varnish or resin for the evil eye card.Make a key chain my making hole in plate)!

This is the best idea of bold beautiful evil eye cures and I am sure you will try this and activate best feng shuii energy for your home! And recycling to save the earth!

make feng shui evil eye cure hand made

Recycling and Hand made brings the best feng shuii energy to any space and do try it! Not only will your home be feng shuii activated but also things and home decor will give you JOY! Real JOY! LIVE WITH JOY EVERY MOMENT! 
Happy feng Shuing from Rizwana!
Dedicated since year 2010 towards spreading simple feng shuii cures advice and tips to the world for attracting Best of health wealth love and prosperity through  my knowledge and feng shuii cure paintings! 
Read interesting information on Rizwana's Feng Shuii blog-


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Evil Eye Return Back to Sender White Feng shui tips

Facing evil eye frequently makes one demoralized and low with regular losses in finances and suffering ill health. You can follow white feng...