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Evil Eye Protection Symbols in Different Cultures/ Best Energy Modern Evil eye Art/ 8 simple Cures

 Evil eye one of the most affecting negative energy form which disturbs peace harmony and feng shui of your home and life. The resultant energy attracts illnesses, losses in wealth, bad luck and many more which at one time  or other each one has experienced.

In different cultures and countries the evil eye is mentioned using different terms. Ayn al-Hasud in Arabic, in Persian Chasma zakhm, in Hindi Buri nazar, Urdu hasad, in Pashto  Cheshim mora, and many more names to describe evil eye.

What do you mean by evil eye or buri nazar? It so happens to describe simply an evil eye is staring or glaring in anger or jealousy to a person object or environment thus bringing about a force that affects the other in negative form. 

Shar energy or poison arrows produced by some one or some thing can affect your life chi adversely. While we all know the effects faced by evil eye there have been many evil eye cures that each one uses for protection.

Different religions have different beliefs regarding evil eye and different protection symbols from the evil eye.

In Hinduism the powerful symbol for protection is the beautiful Aum and Swastik. Not only is this believed to provide protection but also is a symbol for new energy entering the space and attracting good luck. 

Then there are many who believe in the auspicious God Ganesha and he is  one of the favourites among Hindu Gods as he symbolizes new beginnings, protection form evil,  and prosperity. 

Coming to Tibetan Buddhism there are the symbols, Ashtamangala, eight symbols that are very powerful ones to use a symbols for protection and good luck. We also see the evil eye cure, the one in blue color with a black dot in between , similar to the eye, acting as a protection symbol. 

In Muslims the hand of Hamsa or Fatima daughter of Prophet (PUH) The hand of five fingers, open hand, with an eye, symbolizes strong protection from evil eye. Usually there is a belief to break the spell by saying MashaAllah, meaning God has willed this.

This healing painting is available for

Blue and turquoise gemstones are believed to act as strong protectors form evil eye energy. Talismans in Sufism were made by hand written texts to acts as protection symbols. 

In Christianity the belief of making a cross sign with fingers acts as protection from negative energy. Many pendants and finger rings of cross are thus worn to acts as protection symbols. 

watch this video for better understanding of this energy-What happens with buri nazar or evil eye? nazar effects? simple explanation.

The power of the Eye ! Feng shuii Modern healing paintings for protection, video on You Tube.

Symbols of horn act as evil eye cures in some cultures.

And then in some cultures there are chantings and scriptures to be read a number of times to act as protection from evil eye.

So also music acts as a powerful cure for evil eye as in religious or instrumental sounds.

In modern world the energy does exist but is over shadowed by decor and modern furniture. Often people shy away from displaying symbols for protection as it does not go along with the modern decor.

Doing my bit by making short Reiki healing arts meditation videos for free spreading of  the energy for those who search for.  

7 simple feng shui healing cures for protection from evil eye-

1) Use white color. It acts as a powerful tool for protection. Paint your walls white, door white, windows white! wherever is the negative energy source , try white! Absolutely Yang colour, you will see and feel the difference immediately! Even If your door faces graveyard this will protect you! of course if such is issue do email me at I will guide you with simple protection cures. 

2) Use colorful flags or hangings that are  made of silk or shiny paper. Tibetan mantra Prayer flags no doubt work wonders. As they move with the wind there is shift in energy and as this prevents energy stagnation and accumulation the blocks are removed and allowing fresh positive energy to come in. 

Om Mani Padme Hum Tibetan Mantra Paintings are also a beautiful way to protect any space. Buy healing art.

3) Glass. Usually people  hang torans made of glass beds and decorative flowers. Mirrors, powerful protection symbol reflecting negative energy back to its source. Masters did have very powerful cures with using Ba Gua mirrors, concave and convex that can completely destroy people and even make them leave the place. But I never advise such a cure, healing art and feng shui simple cures are enough. Read on my Google Blog. I have experienced this as the shar coming was from front wall and lift, but the energy was so powerful that the mirror cracked! 

Space clearing video, play this! resale house, flat, office energy clearing intentions.

4) Plants and greenery , a powerful tool, nature protection, but sad sometimes plants die off suddenly by evil eye, personal experience.

This is very true and plants can also be used as protection symbols. Especially thorny plants will give you miraculous results in protecting energy. Cactus, succulents, Euphorbia milli Goodluck plant of Thailand , by best! Only on specific issues these spiky thorny plants can be placed indoors for protection. 

Read window sill garden challenge evil eye Rizwana's Blog Garden Care Simplified!

5) Symbols of Happiness and good luck outside your main door act as protectors from evil eye entering your home.

6) Fire has been used as a very powerful tool for purification. Havans and yagnas are often done to remove ill effects of evil eye. Usually also done in new homes and offices to purify the space. Even burning simple incense or candles act as purifiers and protectors from evil eye. 

7) Art that can absorb the negative energy , beautiful art work near entrance can act as a very powerful tool to absorb evil eye energy from person  entering your home. Bind runes also are very powerful. To protect Bind runes symbol protection minimalist healing art. Watch this video writing bind runes for health wealth personal power. 

8) My best bet here on salt! video-correct way to use salt. Read this post on The Red Pilgrim Blog- Benefits of wiping with saline salt water.

Salt is a very cheap and effective cure for protection from evil eye. Old granny's and mom used to do the salt ritual after coming from any function or a visit from guests, to avoid buri nazar effecting small children. Fascinated with this ritual read so much about salt and yes, I Reiki , Feng shuii and healing we do have the salt cure. Keeping salt in ceramic bowl hidden in any space will protect. (be sure to hide it and replace salt frequently). Adding salt to bathing water will remove accumulated negative energy in body and mind, you will feel fresh and also active. Salt kept hidden in two bowls outside main door will protect from any negativity entering your home(keep it hidden). 

After reading this post you will have these thoughts, How does this work for protection? scientific explanation about evil eye cure paintings by The Red Pilgrim-

 Negative energy is the energy of the person entering, their thoughts,experiences and situations they had affect their personal energy as they come with loaded negative energy. Visually looking at a symbol, protection symbol, healing art for protection,  object diverts the mind and eye on the focused object first and thus breaks the negative energy pattern into a much lesser strength and sometimes totally dissolves negative energy into a positive one. 

Effects and results depend upon the severity of the negative energy coming in. If it is a combination of negativity from people, environment, and inside inmates too, then you need a combination of feng shui cures to be applied immediately to  identify, neutralize, remove, and avoid further damage with this energy. 

What more can I say , signing off for now- modern cures paintings help to blend with the decor and art since ages has always been a powerful tool to enliven the environment and improve its aesthetics.

All the Best from Rizwana! Your's The Red Pilgrim!  healing artist from India, dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading health wealth love and prosperity to the world with my Reiki symbol healing paintings. 

Do share your experiences with buri nazar and evil eye effects!

 The painting photo in this post has found a loving home with a Dubai art buyer! Get customized protection symbols painting made by the Red Pilgrim! 

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