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South Feng Shuii! Bad reputation, lost offers, and breaking up of relationships, do check the south! 8 Practical Tips for Activating South Feng shui

 South one of the most important feng shui sectors in your home. All sectors are connected and this one sector can immensely change your life if activated correctly. The fame area according to the map , Ba Gua map, of Feng Shui is located in the south. This can be calculated using the indicator compass for directions. Today we even have compass of directions in mobile phone apps so you can check the sectors carefully and very easily. All the directions are divided into eight parts, the Ba Gua map. East, West, North, South, North east, North west, South east and South west. The house can be thought of as a square area and these directions located for your reference and understanding.

reiki phoenix feng shui painting

Modern decor elements and trends are confusing and one needs to take extra care with putting things in south sector.  Decorating the house according to our likes of artifacts and furniture is good but just consider the elements and place objects appropriately, especially for the south that is strongly dominated by the fire element.  

The new home or the new renovation brings about negative influence on our career and name and one wonders what went wrong with the most elegant costly interior decor! Ill name, lost offers, and breaking up of relationships, do check the south! Analyzed by Feng Shui usually the problem points to the fame and career area. Somehow wealth, reputation, opportunities and relationships all are inert linked.

The most important energy also is that of will to survive. If you see people not motivated to go to work, or having lost interest in work check the south sector.

The south area is the fame area which when positively charged leads to prosperity and good name in the work or business of the family members. Whereas if there is a bathroom or major drainage or leakages in this area it leads to person getting bad reputation and major losses in business.

If there is such a problem and the bathroom falls in south sector,  it is best to relocate the bathroom as this is the major hole where all the money goes down the drain. It will always be working to a task uphill and always facing financial crunches and money mess.

Fire energy is required for survival and work motivation. To carry day to day tasks it is the fire within that will take you ahead and this feng shui sector is one of the most important ones that often is termed to attract fame and more so neglected.

Here are 8 practical measures for Feng shui south-

1) If the home or office toilet falls in south sector. In Feng shui Masters always advised to keep the toilet lid closed and drains covered. If this is not possible consider growing a big plant that moves upward, this is strong and balances the wood aspect for the south area.

2)  Keep the door of the toilet always closed after use. The negative shar energy needs to be avoided spreading in the home area.

3) Hang big mirrors and place a very good scenery of mountains and green plants that help to focus on the positive image outside of the washroom to reflect back the negative energy coming out from the bathroom and toilets.

4)  Leakages must be immediately repaired and drainage pipes can be concealed by a painting or some artifact or sculpture temporarily that leads the eye away from the negative image.

5) If there is water kept in this area please move it to some other direction, better in the north to improve the career and opportunities area. Avoid any water features here as it is difficult to take care and maintain them and after few months people neglect these and this affects the energy here.

6) Use RED! Fantastic colour for south! Red coloured objects or paintings of flowers and green plants can enhance the positivity of this area. Wood supports fire and helps it to flourish.

7) Another great feng shui tip!  hanging your certificates and honours on the south wall for more improvement and progress in career and also recognition in your field. Your successful ventures and projects symbols and awards can be displayed here.

8) Keep the energy active! The most vibrant pulsating sector south!  Try lighting a small candle or diya to remove the negative influences of poison arrows in this area. Please consider the safety of the family and environment before following any fire cures. You can also have red coloured wall art, paintings, artificial flowers, artifacts, objects that will bring the same effect. Avoid red coloured lights here, lights and in red, as in feng shui indicate danger.

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Hope this helps!

God Bless from Rizwana!

Dedicated since year 2010 towards spreading best feng shui guidance with my Google blog Feng shui-Simple Cures to bring health wealth and joy to the world. 

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