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9 Powerful Feng Shui Tips for New Year The Most Yang Moment of the Year Activate Feng Shui This New Years 2017!

The Years ending at midnight is the most Yang moment and tap this to see miraculous results, the best Feng Shui energy.
Happy New Year from Rizwana!

Sernya Two Fishes Vase

1) In Feng Shui, Old Masters used to advice to clean the house before sunset of the last day , and do not clean, sweep or mop the house on the first day of the new year. All blessings are absorbed in the house and chi is activated.
2) Try to keep the door open at midnight to welcome the strongest best energy in to your home to nourish it and give it strength. Light it well. 
3) Avoid arguments, bickering and any tussles during this time as the energy carries forward for the whole year. 
4) Do nine things trick for making the universe happy. Add nine new objects in your house. Anything as you wish. This can be furniture or any artifact pieces. 
5) Most powerful Feng Shui Reiki letter, if you have certain wishes and desires , write these just on the stroke of midnight and place it in an enclosed envelope with positive intentions under your pillow or a book. I have written many Reiki letters for those who have asked for along with adding my healing art, as these give great results. 
6) If you really have certain big dreams do the Sixteen Lucky trick. From the midnight letter, continue writing a new letter each day till sixteen days with your wishes . Trust the Universe for your best and wishes do come true!
7) Intentions and Trust, you must do with clear intentions and heart, to see miraculous changes in your future.
8) Most important, do not share this with anyone, as we do not know intentions of others ,also doubts and fears of others may create in your dreams fulfillment energy. Reiki, Distance Reiki, Feng Shui is a tried , tested since years and gives Awesum results. Do not do it just for fun, remember what you give out comes back to you! 
9) Whichever area , sector you need to activate, example wealth , career, relationships, health, mentor , travel luck, Be prepared with Feng Shui  cures on 31st and activate them, beginning,  with this most Yang moment of the New year and see faster results. 
Hope this helps! 
Let us cherish friends and family. Let us be respectful, kind and forgiving to each other. Let us be filled with gratitude and gladness.
If I have ever hurt you, I ask for your forgiveness. If you have ever hurt me, you already have my forgiveness.
After all, our journey TOGETHER is so short!
All that remains is LOVE!

Since the ongoing year 2016 is at the verge of its ending so I take the opportunity to pay my heartiest thanks to each and all for every thing. 
All my readers, blog lovers, followers, social media friends , for taking time to read my posts, encourage me, and my art lovers and art buyers, I pray to God for well being of all my best friends and my family members in the coming year 2017 and shower all happiness to all of them. Thanks a lot for being such an important part of  my spiritual journey, and I will keep sharing my healing, Feng shui advice,  and healing art to the best of my talent and abilities, Thank you All. 

All the Best from Rizwana!
A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2017, to You and Yours!

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