With so much awareness on children's rooms and child safe decor furniture parents also are conscious in choosing high branded children furniture for their home. Many parents feel that they have to give the best environment to their children. And what better way to achieve this than by balancing the children’s furniture in their bedroom according to principles of Feng shui. Feng shui is a science of placement of furniture and understanding
Ba Gua sectors for attracting harmony in life. When all the five elements, that
is fire, earth, water, metal and wind are balanced then there is peace,
progress and harmony in the environment.
Children's room decor furniture space savers |
When you think of baby room we start with bright colours, popping furry big soft toys etc, which is WRONG! this post today is different. I share choice making of furniture according to feng shui with each stage slot of age your precious babies go through and how to change decor accordingly with feng shui. Oversized teddies will only attract dust and mites! too many soft toys are not good for any room, especially new born and small children. Select good quality toys decor items that are safe healthy materials and utility effective.
The first rule of thumb with small children or new born children
is to consider their age and their requirements before choosing any furniture.
Let us consider the colour of walls in the room. Very young babies can have
colourful rooms, except for yellow which is though to bring about excitement
and makes babies irritable and prone to crying. Red and orange which are bright
colours also need not be in very high proportions as we want our babies to be
relax and have precious sleep during sleeping hours, which these colours do not
promote as they are known to increase activity and excitement. Boys rooms can
be in blue or green whereas girls room can be in pink, peach or other pastel
shades. But these trends are not general, you can choose anything you like. Decorate the new born children’s bedroom with colourful pictures, toys and other
sound decorations or wind chimes. Take care to avoid sharp objects, very heavy
toys and furniture having sharp corners. Pastel shades on children's bedroom walls work better to soothe the new born baby and also ease out mothers emotions during baby care challenges in the first stage.
Tiny tots walking and starting preschooling will have different decor in their room. For bigger children keep their play area clean and organized, I
know this is next to impossible for the little ones but it is better to clear
away the clutter in few days so that they do not accidently trip or fall over
the toys displayed for playing.
As they start walking they hold walls for support so see that the wall paints are child safe and they even eat the wall mixtures s be really careful with any leakages or wall debris coming out, repair it immediately. One can use cool and light colours for the
walls and add highlights of bright and fresh colours as accessories.
Some children are hyper active while some are studious and quieter. Keep in
mind the nature of your child, if they like to play more physical games then
keep the space clear for running and jumping, whereas if your little kid is a
studious type keep more of story books and other interesting toys for them in
their bedroom. We have children's tents, swimming pools toys where children can play water sports indoors, air filled toys large bunny pillows etc to bring active joy and comfort to your children. pillows, smiley pillows, magic unicorns, horse, cartoon character pillows are ruling in children's room furnishings now. You can display paintings of happy animals, birds and flowers to
make the room attractive. Children have preferences of super heroes and toon
characters and they love those wall stickers. You can also display your child’s
hand made drawings and paintings in their room to give them feelings of
importance and belonging to their space.
Child’s room bedside table art is a
fantastic way to bring beauty and positive energy to their room. Feng shuii
paintings with different subjects and bright colours uplift the chi of your
child’s room. With Reiki paintings you can also bring in heavenly luck for your
child through healing art. Small sized paintings work wonders as large
paintings will overwhelm your child. Side table Reiki paintings for health mind energy peace protection from diseases, mental health etc are very good support in your child's life journey and act as real guides. A beautiful way
to add art and symbols COLOURS shapes, that will work for your child’s benefit. You can bring
in positive energy for health educational luck, confidence, making good
friendships, teachers support by mentor luck and joy in their life to reach
their maximum potential.
For all stages in child furniture decor Another rule in feng shui is to avoid any furniture, object or toy
that has sharp edges. This is universal law in feng shuii for every
room furniture. These emit negative arrows and are always harmful for your
child. Over head beams must be taken care of in children’s bedroom as they may
get hurt while playing. Try to keep some floor space clear for them to play
freely as when their bedroom is congested there will be no place for positive
chi to enter the room and your child may end up with boredom and always look
dull with lack of energy. Once in a while clear their room and give a thorough
cleaning to all the floor and furniture to keep pests and germs away. Carpets
and rugs need to be vacuum cleaned regularly to avoid dust mites. Safety and
health are always a priority.
Balancing the five elements is the thumb rule of feng shui. Even
in children’s bedroom, try to use furniture and objects of decor keeping this
in mind. Arrange the study table near the left side of the window and take care
to see that the children’s bedroom gets fresh air and sunlight for some hours
of the day. One can keep plants near the window, keeping in mind to protect
your toddler from making a meal of the soil!. Their wardrobe can be arranged in
a place where they can have access independently. This will encourage them to
learn the quality of selection, and choosing clothes daily will help them to
learn the habit of independence. Avoid fire in the room even if you wish to
activate the area for fame and recognition in your child’s bedroom. One can
hang pictures of red colour things or feng shuii fame energy paintings or red
flowers to activate this area with positive energy.
Many times Parents get excited with new arrivals and we tend to select upper end branded furniture items colours and furniture that goes with our home
decor and our likes but is not so comfortable for your baby. Here we are at a loss since the age of child is different
and our likes and choices would not necessarily be that of your young one. School going children decor is really very important. Feng shui knowledge helps a lot here to activate energy in these curious minds. Hence many parents complain of children being bored, tired, dull and irritable.
they cannot focus on studies and have no true friends. Keep the rules of feng
shui in mind and these simple tips will show you a vast difference in your
little one. Colour according to their nature, furniture which is comfortable
for them, toys which they like and clothes which they are comfortable in will
make your children feel an important part of the family and give them the
feeling of ownership of their room. You will notice that the costliest thing may not be your child's favourite object, so learn from here, love and likes of your child and make decisions accordingly with children's room decor items.
Choose the children's study table with care. Wooden is preferred. Hang small metal wind chimes in the North
West corner to promote friendship luck. Place a globe of earth in the north
east section of their room to promote education luck. In very simple terms make
the children’s bedroom comfortable for them. Give them a positive enriching
environment which caters to all their senses and then see how your little
flower blooms into a healthy and well adjusted individual.
Every home now has a TV, computer and other electronic gadgets.
We are not aware that even these things have a presence of their own and emit
energy. The radiations from them are harmful for everyone ,especially children.
and one feels drained of energy from constant use and exposure to these.
The best cure in feng shui for minimizing negative energy from
these for your children is to keep them covered when not in use. All reflective
surfaces must be covered with a cover or cloth during nights so that they do
not reflect back. Even electronic equipment like computer and music system must
be kept covered when not in use. Nowadays it is in fashion to display big
screen LED TV in children's room and people are not aware that at night this acts like a mirror
and reflects all the energy back. Hence it is advisable to keep all reflective
surfaces covered when not in use. In Feng shuii it is considered very
inauspicious to even display mirrors in bedrooms. Cover them, because the
beliefs are that ghosts travel at night and get attached to the glass surfaces
thus spreading negativity and fear in the environment. Most studies and academic projects are done using laptop and virtual classes also started ruling since Covid restrictions. We have to learn to live with using technology for our children's benefit and minimize the harm to our bodies and mental health from them.
West is the best feng shui sector for your children luck and creativity. Charge it with amazing feng shuii and see your child flourish with good grades and success. Also it would be best that all these equipment are placed in the
west. as they are mostly made of metal and support the element of metal in the
area of the house. Mobile phones too are so close to children that they are
hooked to video games and youtube mobile videos. It is also advisable to
avoid having them in the bedroom as they may interfere with the sleep patterns
of the inmates but you can't completely do away with this so you can restrict time for usage. They are best placed in the living room and in the west
section. It would also be preferable to have them covered in a wall unit that
has doors to avoid dust gathering in them. Feng shui promotes positive energy
and does not advise having open door cabinets.
Latest interior decorators and furniture shops have many child centered wall
units and contemporary furniture’s that are customized for
requirements and also fit in the decor of the house. Ikea has such lovely furniture items specially made for children's room and assembly of bed, study table and even bunk beds in less space for tow or more children. child safe furniture today has become a priority in all furniture brands. All the gadgets and music
systems can be accommodated in the specialized wall units or cupboards that
have special made to order compartments.
Though technology is advanced and we all long for more electronic equipment in the home it must be remembered that humans by
nature love to be near earth and so this metal component of these equipment must be balanced so that they do not over power our earth element.
Children’s room toilets and their bathroom items and decor also need to be cared for. Earlier toilets
used to be in the backyard and outside the home. It was believed that all waste
products and negative energy was you be cleansed outside and not allowed to
mingle with the positive energy of the house.
Hanging soothing animal wind chimes is good feng shuii |
Avoid potpourri dried plants and flowers in any form in children's room |
We see cartoon shaped toothbrushes, toothbrush paste holders and fancy wash basins and tubs too. Taking your child into a fantasy level of joy with bathroom decor. Traditional feng shui is now blending into modern feng shui allowing some decor items even in bathroom but still don't go overboard and confuse chi of health here.
It is advisable to not have more than two bathrooms in your child's room.
Also keep the bathroom door always closed with the commode lid always shut
after every use. According to Feng Shui all holes and drains are outlets for energy/money going out and since the toilet hole is the biggest in the house it is
advisable to keep it closed after each use. If the toilet comes in the south
area it will lead to material and financial losses and bad name of the owner
and family members. One can grow tall plants that survive in less light and
allow for moisture content in the bathroom. Many times children suffer from
health issues and people never think about the toilet feng shuii and rush to
doctors finding no relief from allergies. Keep the colour of the bathroom
according to the feng shui area. Red is not advisable as this place is where we
relieve ourselves even for children's bathroom decor. One can go according to highlights and different nick nacks
using specific colour for that particular area. Hanging a mirror just opposite
to the toilet door will help the negative energy to fall back and not enter the
Globe placed helps attract good opportunities |
Always keep decorations and fancy artworks away from the toilet.
It is also advisable to not highlight the bathroom much and keep it toned down
as compared to the house. Keep the toilet disinfected and fresh smelling and
clean as this will affect the health of the whole family and inmates of the
house. Adding hot water regularly and some rock salt crystals is such a simple
tip to keep toilet germ free.
Bunk Beds feng shui . Every home has bunk beds where you see two or
more children. Space crunch too is one of the reason why bunk beds rule today
in family homes. The simple procedure is that there are layers of beds, made of
metal and ahs a ladder for the top part. Wooden bunk beds are better feng shuii
than metal bunk beds.
Safety issues always
come up with bunk beds thus making this a sensitive subject in feng shuii symbolism. Feng
shuii beds need to be stable, on the ground, firm and comfortable. Bunk beds do
not follow this principle. You can of course with no choice try to add some
feng shuii elements to make this bunk bed good feng shuii. Add side partition
holders for safety. Touch the bunk beds to a wall from one side so that the
children feel supportive energy. Make the ladders safe and easy to climb.
Cute Baby elephant hand purse |
Important parts of your child's room at any stage, entrance, study table and bed. Entrances can be activated with wall art that inspires and energizes motivates them. Bed must be safe comfortable and sturdy. Study table must be inspiring and allow them to focus. The other items are upto you and your Childs personal likes and choices to bring happiness and joy.
Contemporary children's room furniture has space savers, space organizers, study table combination furniture displayed for exact placement ideas. Even less space children's room can be organized with judicious use of compact furniture patterns to bring out easy lifestyle and comfort to your children.
Activating and bringing in feng shui knowledge will activate your child's health wealth and success, the best gift you can give to your baby!
Happy Feng shuing!
All the Best from Rizwana!
I do not sell feng shui products, I make reiki infused symbol art for best energies to bring joy to life since year 2000. Art available for buying only from my website The Red Pilgrim's Soulperk art!