Your front entrance Feng Shui is the main energy source your home gets nourishment from. If you knew how powerful this energy here is in affecting your complete life, you would pounce on it and make the damn changes now! The mouth of your home, take care of this!
Most of the negativity comes from the main door and can enter in any form, from people, sounds, breeze, dirt, smell or even a simple image or constantly open neighbours front door. Some people feel restless with banging while neighbors closing doors, thus creating shar poison arrows, which affects health and total happiness at home. Energy leaks are the most important cause of draining energy in all sectors especially wealth.
Then there may be a pillar, tree, electricity box, steps, or wall bang right opposite the main door thus blocking energy from entering your home. It can also be the view from outside that produces poison arrows. Each time you view it, it makes you feel uncomfortable.
Poison arrows are simply put things, object, or sounds that make us feel restless, uncomfortable, and thus affect our peace of mind, and in general our health , sleep, and happiness of our family. This may also be related to some one coming from outside that frequently bring in negative energy stress, quarrels or bickering.
Space clearing for any space Live Reiki healing arts meditation video and this You Tube Channel the Red Pilgrim one video Quieten the evil eye negative home spirits
While feng shui is all about harmony and balance, use positive energy to counteract negativity. It is true, positive energy is always stronger and will overcome whatever you are facing. Allow the Universe to assist you with open heart and positive intentions.
7 simple yet very effective feng shui cures for the main door feng shui shared for your benefit.
1) Some people use feng shui mirrors reflect energy back to the source, a very powerful feng shui cure for protection, but prefer to not encourage this as the positive energy also may be stopped from entering and in many case it has been seen that the extreme energy reflected back to the source, their own evil eye energy, affects them as in ill health, hospitalization and even moving out of the neighbors from the locality.
2) now for some happy energy cures, use white, color white in any form, it is the purest form of energy that can repel any negativity! color the outside panels door vibrant clean white, main door white, just see how powerful this is, very good protection for main door.
3) use strong lights, very powerful feng shui cure to repel negativity. Above your main door.
This neutralizes the negative energy right outside and makes the person entering feel relaxed and happy.
4) use wind chimes they are the best to make the energy fresh and moving at your front door. Sound is a great feng shui cure.
5) Use happy symbols, some happy colorful art, smileys, happy home images, colorful wall hangings, ribbons that move with the wind, that will bring a smile from every viewer,thus neutralizing the negative energy before it enters your home. Rainbow art, healing art, religious symbols have strong protective energies. Symbols of healing when viewed , colors relax the mind, art soothes, and is a great stress buster.
6) use green plants, they are the most powerful feng shui tools to attract positive energy , just take care that they are green! dead plants very bad feng shui energy and may affect adversely to your home and family.
7) Water, another powerful symbol in feng shui and a strong feng shui cure to attract wealth, good luck, prosperity, and also acts as a protector from negative energy entering your home. A water fountain, bird bath or just a wide mouthed bowl with water can take away most negative energy and dissociate this outside the main door, thus bringing only positive energy inside your home.
Feng shui is a great energy to attract good luck, health, wealth and fame , happiness, relationships and mentor luck, knowing just the right place for the right things can work wonders to your life!
Answers to your wealth issues, and workable life changing solutions. Read this, this will change your perspective towards wealth and your money flow.
Are You Stopping Your Wealth ? this is the first question I ask, yes, do give this a thought! after so many people inquiring about wealth cures, right placement and selection of feng shui cures is very important , and people still wonder why things are not working for them!
You buy objects and place them with mind full of doubts, here is your first loss!
then you keep sharing this topic with each and every one you meet, your second loss!
and finally you doubt that you deserve wealth, final loss! No cure will work for you!
Feng Shui is a science of placement of furniture and objects in harmony with nature. following the principles of elements Feng Shui Masters try to harmonize these elements by either down playing them or activating them to benefit the people staying there. Once the elements are in harmony life becomes smooth and easy. There is also an important role of your intentions and attitude of your family that matters. As every emotion , a positive or negative has influence on the results with your feng shui cures.
People, while you do want wealth,are you prepared for wealth, do you really want wealth,as many people when I advice about the cures hardly read my answers and still go on repeating the same old stories, of wealth draining ,losses in businesses and past failures!
If you are willing to try Feng shui with an open mind it can create miracles!
Your "BUT" is the reason for the financial losses and hurdles even after feng shuing your place with simple cures. You yourself are the first reason to stop the incoming of wealth in your life. You are not convinced that you deserve wealth, so try to change your beliefs and thoughts first, the rest luck will follow. If you say, we tried this and that and that and still the problem persists,and that you cant do this, or you are not qualified, then you need to change the situation gradually in the way you can, the Universe assists those who try.
Anger irritability? chaos in your life? where is the energy draining from? think, search, find out and act now!
well you need to sit and meditate for few minutes every day to get hang of your life and your finances and after that take decision to act! dreams and wealth does not come for those who sleep over their dreams. The Universe blesses those who dream and are willing to work hard towards fulfilling their dreams, Feng Shui Healing energies help assist and flare up this energy for your benefit and once activated you will love this! as say the many happy people who have applied Feng Shui in their life!
Colors in feng shui, elements in feng shui, symbols in feng shui, shapes geometry in feng shui corresponding each element, understanding shui energy in paintings, images, feng shui cures are jotted down to even the direction you go to work and the road you take to your office can affect your career growth!
feng shui is a vast word and not just the best place to keep your sofa or your bed!
And if you love feng shui and want to benefit from the energy order one of my works and enjoy the healing!
however bizzare your wishes , list it down, share it here, a wish fulfillment painting can work wonders to your life and the happiness of your family!
Some Important Feng Shui Wealth Enhancing Suggestions, and they work-
1) Open you heart and accept the past situations, There are always lessons from the Universe. Elders always say, money follows the hard workers. Did you give it your all?that is now frankly for you to answer, right now!
2) Stop repeating past failures the moment you decide to try feng shui for wealth. The serious bad habit is whenever we begin to guide or help someone with advice, they start off staying they tried this and tried that and they failed. Well, Shut up and do the work now! Your past actions didn't change your money luck, isn't it? so allow and trust one more time please!
Read about what do you mean by self limiting beliefs, this will surely be an eye opener to yourself.
3) Clutter free all spaces. No space for any progress, that is what accumulation of clutter does to your home and your life. I know, that is costly vase, I know those chairs are handed over by your grandmother, but then you have no space and are in dire need of wealth flow, hence you are here, with me. Either clean and organize things or give them in charity, that which you have not used since past few years. I prefer to follow the Marie Kondo method, keep things that bring a spark of joy. So much becomes peaceful already. Try it, it works! All sectors need to be clutter cleared- home, office, relationships, work, karmic debts Karmic healing at deeper levels needs to be understood and practically acted upon for seeing change in life.
4) Activate wealth and prosperity corners first and then also try to add up Feng shui cures for all sectors, as wealth is linked with every other sector of your life. Feng Shuii Cure Paintings are available at my website Razarts.
5) Stop sharing and discussing Feng Shui cures with everyone. The Eye Collection for protection for all types of evil eye and negative energies coming your way. Allow Reiki Universal life force to be by your side.
6) Love your Feng Shui cures, they will love you manifolds back!choose them carefully, only those you are comfortable with and connect with.
7) The Universe has everything in Abundance but it blesses only the ones who work towards this.
8) Begin a fresh, and remove symbols of past failures as you will get stuck with the same thoughts of wealth loss. It will help to remove those old files, and make space for fresh business. Facing a life question? find answers with this short YouTube video Reiki healing arts meditation.
9) All sectors need to be in harmony, so just a wind chime or a single horse painting may not give you instant results! Try to hit the hammer at once for all sectors! here the advice from your Feng Shui consultant will help, do check out a choose a reputed Feng Shui consultant and Healer.
There is also a factor of past lives karmic blocks that need to be tackled for the wealth flow to open up in your life.
Always remember there is no replacement for hard sincere effort, for everything else there is Feng Shui! Hope this helps, and Really Wishing for Your Best, Hope this helps!
Awesum Day from Rizwana/Your's the Red Pilgrim!
Do share your experiences, problems, wishes, and let me show you some feng shui, simple cures!