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Reiki healing arts meditation for Children good health and academic performance/ 9 tips to Feng Shui children's bedroom

Children, our precious bundles of joy and the pains of growing up here is a special video of healing arts meditation for your child's health, peace and academic performance Reiki energy by healing artist Rizwana A.Mundewadi/The Red Pilgrim..

Worried about your child not being able to connect with people, throwing temper tantrums with every change, and irritable with less sleep are what many parents face while taking care of their young ones.

Not having enough energy parents do not understand the law of nature, the universe has every soul go with its own flow. Children need to be disciplined in a way they can accept and that is the most difficult part for parents.

Parents always treat children as if on their own level. How can you compare a PHD and a nursery education level? What you speak to them is like a foreign language and of course a very young/few months baby child's body follows its own rules.

Growing up pains and stress multiplies the issues and makes parenting more difficult.

Reiki energy comes a s blessings in harmonizing energy in every one and also the space. it is good to apply Feng Shuii to your baby's bedroom and for the tiny tots their play/study room with simple cures from feng shuii.

One minute Reiki healing arts meditation videos by healing artist can be played as many times as you want and will ease out your stress as well as soothe your child's mind. You can check out more live Reiki videos for specific purposes on my You Tube Channel The Red Pilgrim. Do subscribe for latest posts of  my blog Feng Shui-Simple Cures!

Nine simple Feng Shui cures for children's' bedroom-

1) Best sector in Feng Shuii is west. Choose the west sector of your home to make your children's bedroom. This makes a whole lot easier to see immediate changes in your child.

2) Children's bedroom door Feng Shuii can be activated with bright colorful birds paintings bringing in friends and mentors blessings in their life. Trust me this makes their life so much happier with good friends.

3) Fresh plants are really good live energy for east sector of the children's room. But be careful if you have very small children who could dig into the soil. You can have wall hanging containers or ceiling hanging pots with fresh growing plants that do not require much acre and also purify the space. lot of air purifier plants are available and very easy to grow. Visit Garden Care Simplified for more on Plants Feng Shui. Effective and cheap air purifier plants

4) Clutter free your children's bedroom. Very important as we all know this step is the most difficult to follow. but you can organize with modern space organizers and arrange toys, clothes, games, books etc into different compartments or boxes. Your child will learn of you make this a habit since their childhood. This is half the battle one with giving them responsibility.

5) Worried about your child's health and they do not eat well? try Feng Shuii! images of healthy food photos. Colourful food recipes, and presenting food in attractive forms, all is good feng shuii for food! You Tube/Google is a blessing for parents! Kitchen feng shuii is important for the health of your child as also your full family.

6) East sector is for health and wealth relationships. So also activate your children's room accordingly. Green colour and the shape rectangle is what the elements bless here.

7) Avoid blue on the floor or in rooms. yes it is soothing and calming but sometimes the wrong hue shade can bring depressing very quiet energy. Follow the Ba Gua for choosing colors for your children's room and activate feng shuii with popping energy colours highlighting some elements in decor. Red, orange, yellow, bright lime green, fluorescent pinks, all are good feng shuii activators.

8) The study table of your child is so important in their academic performance and grades, if you knew this you would focus more on this feng shuii sector. Scholastic success confidence motivation to study feng shuii 8 tips , 9 Important feng shuii tips for study rooms5x5 feng shui tips for foreign abroad career, 8 practical workable tips to improve child's academic performance

9) The Education luck tower, feng shui evil eye cure, Reiki symbol for brain energy and clearing mind.Choose these feng shuii cures carefully and put them with positive clear intentions to see the magic of feng shuii!

eye opener post here! shocking effects of wall art

For all the issues the Universe has simple answers, in form of Reiki healing paintings. Energy paintings are made with specific intentions put up by the healing artist and specific symbols that work appropriately to what energy lack there is in your child's life. The void is filled and you see your child happy, joyful, connection with right friends and eating healthy, playing and showing interest in studies and gradually improved grades.

God Bless your child with immense joy and happiness! Your's The Red Pilgrim!

Do share this post with someone who needs this today!

for buying Feng Shui children's room paintings do visit my website The Red Pilgrim's Soul Perk^Up Healing Art

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