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Mega Millions Money Feng Shuii Tip! What to watch on YouTube? very important two points

 Mega million dollars profits and earnings ask anyone they have big dreams as they watch inspiration money advise videos on YouTube. We have so many video channels on YouTube, mega millions, making wealth, money makers, billionaires, ultra rich mega millions etc and you will find daily money inspiring videos, daily motivation work videos to earn large sums of wealth and of course not to leave behind the affirmation videos with promise to like and share with a particular number of people to open up the magic money flow! So why this post today? I am point blank saying you waste your time and these YouTubers are making money at the cost of what? your time? your most precious asset,. your time! 

Todays post-eye opener, life changer and I tell you exactly what to watch on YouTube for mega millions! and how with feng shuii tips. 

Totally not disagreeing on the inspiration, positive mindset attitudes and fake it till you make it mantra but be receptive and accept the facts. If you just sit there day in and day out for days., weeks, months, years watching videos on YouTube there will not be any magic, they will infact take away your energy and even life precious time which will never return. I am a big fan of YouTube as their videos by YouTube creators have been really inspiring, uplifting, healing and also guiding me to move ahead in the worst possible times when there was no one to lift me up, there are amazing YouTube channels and video makers who put out content regularly for years and years,  have tons of inspirations and healings for free on YouTube for benefits of the world. 

Stop watching YouTube videos day in and day out without any purpose? you are not putting money but you are putting some thing more than million mega bucks, your time! which will never return. If you are healthy wealthy and rich then go ahead. But if you have specific goals of finance and family and are watching for making money trust me they would never show you the magic formula. They all want you to come to them and yet not many success. Share market videos, trading videos, making huge profits, making money from nothing videos,  bitcoin videos, art videos, selling art videos, cooking videos, cleaning house tips, storage tips , space savers, recycling objects , religious chanting's, gardening, etc. teaching art videos, so much content in every field and subject is put out every seconds on YouTube channel. 

There are just two important points I like to put here-act and take action in life. Nothing can replace your sincere efforts and hard work! It is 99% these videos will inspire you and fire you up but 1% you have to get up and in fact you have to actually work towards your goals for years and years to see mega millions! So don't end up on the last step of ladder of your life and then look back as you wasted so many years just dreaming of mega millions and saying positive affirmations without action and it may bring you miracles too but I assure you without putting hard work karma will never allow this! Sad so many people invest wrongly, take heavy chances and then go bankrupt and yet never stop the habits hoping again for miracle, when they hardly realize they themselves are the miracles! they have super powers!

The positive mindset and Reiki will bring you opportunities to make wealth but unless you grab these and start putting efforts and work or communicate, negotiate and start taking acting on every day basis , trust me nothing in your life will change! The most dangerous disease out there is "excusitis" such people always have excuse why the other person can do it and they can't! Sad also that many people have gone random with creating content to get paid likes and even mortgage to make videos when the fact behind is they are unhappy and insecure and going in losses. The "Happy Picture" on social media doesn't mean they are actually happy, everyone looks beautiful in photos! and yes, YouTube has also so many movies now about these YouTubers lives that are full of so many fears and challenges. 

After doing Reiki completing third degree in year 2000 I was guided to make art. I have obsessively since past more than two decades put out thousands of artworks and still do. It is all sincere effort and passionate flow. You have to find your soul  purpose and then follow that with full force zeal and energy to the rest of your life. Reiki does help us find soul purpose and our own unique voice, feng shuii done correctly is amazing. you will see how when you balance the elements of your home and office there is a beautiful energy flow in your life and this reflects in all sectors of your life and of course your wealth and money!

What happens with reiki energy and Harmonizing elements with feng shuii? things begin to fall right in place. You feel peace, joy, enjoy working, are excited about new opportunities and open to healthy lifestyle and eating habits and relationships begin to heal themselves. Strange but true, people benefitting your soul purpose will come miraculously and you attract goodness, and those not in your benefit are gradually distanced. By just a little tweaking here and there we can show great improvement and hence I mention that people must not go in for major changes or costly feng shui cures, there are many simple feng shui cures that can help heal your problem and help to bring about balance and harmony.

I have seen magical results from feng shuii and those who have worked and taken immediate action, people have actually taken my  advice and removed things, even costly precious objects from their home and life, donated things and even done bizarre things and going far off seas to feed the fish for karmic blessings!  they have shifted things and become specific with adding feng shuii cures in correct place to see changes. there is earth luck and elements in harmony brings that force to you if done correctly. In feng shuii we have earth luck 40%, heaven luck 40% and 19% man luck and 1% unknown factor. Anything can happen with anyone that is the 1% working for you! I make art with combinations of symbols sacred codes and ancient sigils to bring that magical factor to affirm attract wishes for joy. 

So two points-keep timing restriction for watching YouTube channel videos' and after the sessions put up a plan to work those trade secrets these YouTubers are sharing there. 

secondly-don't expect miracle money. That just happens in movies where bags of money comes from sky! those lucky ones and successful people you see out thee, they have given their lives for that, they just didn't get lucky... they worked towards that with tons of failures that were never mentioned or seen by the world.  You work and you earn! if you are not qualified-try to get the specific skills, if there are limitations then do understand what your profession pays you will have a limit. you cannot expect a post to give you millions unless of course you are an obsessed and super rich family entrepreneurs business owner who already has a research development advertising media support public support and really great product company. 

Final point be practical in your financial dreams and goals. How much money do you need to be happy satisfied and lead a joyful life? note that down, and then work upon that financial earning dream goals, chances are you will soon fulfill these targets!

Thanks for your time,. I am a Great fan of YouTube videos and I stopped the notifications and everyday putting many hours of watch time thanks to YouTube settings that help you reduce watch time of video viewers with reminders. 

Act now! You have one life! Remember there is no replacement for hard sincere efforts... for everything else there is feng shuii!

One minute Empowerment Reiki arts meditation video on my YouTube Channel-live flow- I do not chase I attract!'

I always say-there is everything in abundance with the Universe.. you just have to tap this correctly! 

Thanks for reading and hope this post brings value to your life! and Mega Millions!

Reiki Midas Star symbol Abundance art

All the Best from Rizwana!

The Red Pilgrim!!

A Healing Artist selling original art @ The Red Pilgrim's Reiki Healing Art

You Tuber The Red Pilgrim Dedicated since year 2000 towards spreading Reiki energy with the World through my Sacred Symbol Healing Paintings!

all artworks displayed here are my original paintings available or sale only on my website

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