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Why DIY Feng shuii cures? How to bring Yang energy in feng shuii cures

Activate Yang   energy of your feng shuii cures by making them yourself. DIY feng shuii cures are so cheap and also very effective if you have the right amount of knowledge of feng shuii. Make your own feng shuii bowl of prosperity. The best feng shuii you can give to your home is by making your own, this brings Awesum Yang energy to any feng shuii cure. The cures you buy from shops and curio shops are made in manufacturing companies by machines.
DIY Feng shuii bowl of prosperity 
While you may buy the best of feng shuii cures, just take another look at them. the colours used are for ornamental purposes, which may not be according to feng shuii principles. The materials used vary according to the amount of money you shell out for buying these cures.
DIY Toad stools Fairy stools for garden
 Read about the feng shuii Ba Gua map cures. Read a lot, about feng shuii. Choose the simple feng shuii cures. I did make them with paper mache. While we had old ones, suddenly I felt the strong need to bring in my personal energy. Somehow these ready made feng shuii cures felt like just some decorative pieces without any energy. 
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Also whenever any part chipped with cleaning or the colour faded, this brought negative energy in my mind. As the broken and faded feng shuii cures cease to bring out positive energy they need  to be replaced.
The best yang energy in any of your feng  shuii cures  is if you can collect some materials and make them at home. Not only will they be cheap and save money but also you will see a feng shuii piece made with love and energy.
Do share your experiences!
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All the Best from Rizwana!
If you have tried a lot of feng shuii cures and not seen any changes and you would like to add some original feng shuii paintings do visit my website

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